Sunday, May 26, 2019

Weightlifter breaks his legs while squatting down under 250 kilos

Warning: Some people may find the video disturbing Russian weightlifter Yaroslav Radashkevich suffered a terrible leg fracture while squatting down during the Eurasian championship, which ended in Khabarovsk.The athlete from the city of Blagoveshchensk, who will now have to bid farewell to powerlifting, currently remains hospitalized. Doctors diagnosed him with a closed fracture of shinbones.The athlete was squatting down under the weight of 250 kilos, which was not critical for him. The man was going to squat under the weight of 300 kilos on his shoulders, but the exercise went wrong. His left leg bent inwards and broke with a terrible crunch.Prior to the competition, the athlete complained of pain in the lower leg, but he was hoping that the pain would go away. The athlete later said that he was not sure of his ability to squat under 250 kilos. He decided to take a chance, but failed.

from PravdaReport



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