Sunday, May 12, 2019

Italy: One year after the March elections

The government that rules Italy in these days has come in office more than a year ago. The League - 5 Stars alliance has produced results in accordance with its own government contract. The cutting of the pensions of the parliamentarians, the blocking of the landings of foreigners, that new form of State aid to the unemployed called "Citizenship Income" and a first adjustment of the general structure of fixed-term employment contracts are just some of the actions taken by the government. However, the existing alliance is rather tumultuous, subject to centrifugal forces that undermine its stability. The reality is that the government is not the best possible coalition but the least worst, since all the parties present in our Parliament hate each other with more or less marked nuances. On the contrary: rather than hating each other, it is a real mutual disgust to which we must add elements of escape from the reality mixed with Stockholm Syndrome, which leads the remnants of the Italian Left to invoke, with stubborn stupidity, both an infinite welcome to foreigners and more austerity in the State budgets. The evidence that behind the migratory flows there is a precise subversive and destructive project at least against Italy and the cruel uselessness of austerity policies - Greece docet - are both unconsciously neglected by the Left who would like to return to the government. If the 5 Stars are seen as annoying and inept moralizers, it is the strong man of the Northern League, Matteo Salvini, who is daily pointed out to the two minutes of hatred of Orwellian memory. What follows is a new interview with Professor Gianfranco Lagrassa regarding these issues.

from PravdaReport



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