The United States would like to see Turkey as a member of NATO, but Turkey will not be allowed to have Russia's S-400 anti-aircraft systems, US Permanent Representative to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison said on the eve of the NATO ministerial meeting to take place on April 3 in Washington.According to her, Turkey is a very important ally that makes a great contribution to the alliance and participates in all missions. NATO wants Turkey to stay in the alliance, but without Russian air defence systems. The S-400 system cannot be compatible either with NATO missile defenses or NATO aircraft. The United States remains concerned about the possibility for Turkey to possess both Russia's S-400 and US-made F-35 aircraft. Turkey may deliver information about US bombers to Russia through Russian anti-aircraft systems, US officials believe. Photo: Russian Defense Ministry
from PravdaReport
Monday, April 8, 2019
Author: kaizen walk
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