Friday, November 13, 2020

Half-Life: Alyx now has an in-game developer commentary with over 140 points of interest

Half-Life: Alyx - Valve's stellar return to its infamously long-dormant first-person shooter series - has just received a new update, this one adding an in-game developer commentary designed to offer behind-the-scenes insights into the making of the game.

Alyx's developer commentary was initially expected to ship at launch back in March, but Covid-19, as it's want to do, scuppered those plans. As of today, however, the commentary is in, introducing 147 different points of interest nodes throughout the game.

Valve has, of course, included in-game developer commentaries in a whole heap of its previous games - including Half-Life 2, Portal 2, Team Fortress 2, and the Left 4 Dead series - but Alyx's new addition marks the first time the company has jettisoned its familiar rotating speech bubbles as the means of initiating the feature while playing.

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