Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Feature: XCOM 2 Collection Port Specialists Virtuos On Bringing The Series To Switch

"This process is like squeezing water from a sponge".

Virtuos has made a name for itself with Switch gamers as one of the premier developers of quality ports on the platform. With impressive Switch versions of L.A. Noire, a clutch of Final Fantasy remasters, Starlink: Battle for Atlas and Dark Souls: Remastered under its belt, we were pleased to hear that the Spingapore-based developer was in charge of porting upcoming titles The Outer Worlds, BioShock: The Collection and XCOM 2 Collection to Switch.

Focusing on Firaxis Games' XCOM 2--a game first released on other platforms in 2016--we recently spoke to Senior Producer Zhang Chengwei and VP of Games Studio Elijah Freeman about the challenges of bringing Firaxis' turn-based tactics to Nintendo's platform intact and on time.

Read the full article on nintendolife.com

from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8262364



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