Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Dad hilariously attempts to do a backflip into a pool


That's one small step for dad, one giant leap for viral content. 

Twitter user @Taymonnnzzz made quite the splash with this priceless video of her (allegedly) intoxicated dad attempting to do a backflip into the pool. 

After stating that he "should've been in the Olympics" and ignoring pleas to take off his shoes, the father leaps backwards. To call this maneuver a "backflip" would be a reach, it's closer to a back flop. 

Regardless, he gets a lot of laughs from his daughter, and from the rest of the internet, for that. At the time of this writing, the video has racked up 1.26 million views.  Read more...

More about Twitter, Viral Videos, Pool, Dad, and Drunk

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