3.5 Billion Starve; While World's other Half Plays Ever wonder why that stark truism is not MSM's headline on the major networks or newspapers round the globe, every single day and night? Well, I do. Sure, there are many likeminded others that believe as I do. However, before, I get to the bottom, and splain things clearer, let me tell you about the globe's players. Believe me, there is much much to splain. Now, a word or two, about the world's players.
from PravdaReport
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Author: kaizen walk
Etiam at libero iaculis, mollis justo non, blandit augue. Vestibulum sit amet sodales est, a lacinia ex. Suspendisse vel enim sagittis, volutpat sem eget, condimentum sem.
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