Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Steve Bannon to headline The New Yorker's festival (UPDATE: disinvited)

A grim reminder that in the upper echelons of journalism, white supremacists are at worst wayward tribesmates and at best very interesting men: Steve Bannon is to headline The New Yorker's October festival. From The New York Times:
Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, who will be interviewed by the magazine’s editor, David Remnick, a frequent critic of the administration. “I have every intention of asking him difficult questions and engaging in a serious and even combative conversation,” Mr. Remnick said in a phone interview.
More than anything else, America's elites consider themselves gracious hosts. But some of us have outstayed our welcome. Tickets go on sale Thursday. UPDATED: They disinvited him after a deluge of complaints, not least from other celebrity invitees publicly disinviting themselves from the event.

from Boing Boing



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