Thursday, November 30, 2017

2018 will be the year cinema starts responding to the Trump election


Times being what they are, it's been hard not to read topical commentary into just about every movie we saw this year. 

But even if the parallels were clearly there, most of those films weren't, and couldn't be, direct responses to Trump. Most of them were in production well before the 2016 election. (There are exceptions: Steven Spielberg's The Post came together in the early months of this year.)

That changes right about ... oh, now.

Next year's Sundance may well be the first major film festival that is truly of the Trump era – in that it's probably the first one with a significant number of films that were made and selected after the election. And it shows. Read more...

More about Movies, Sundance, Sundance 2018, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows

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